Why Health and Wellness is My Niche of Choice

There has never been a better time to become an online affiliate marketer. A recent study conducted by Jupiter Research, reveals an astounding $ 2.1 billion were paid to affiliate marketers owning blogs and websites in the year 2008. That’s 2.1 billion folks! Through this system we call ‘affiliate marketing,’ this multibillion industry is expected to grow to somewhere between 4 to 5 billion dollars by the year 2016.


It’s amazing, I know. But what exactly does that tell us?

Well, for one thing it confirms what we’ve been telling ourselves and those around us; affiliate marketing is going to generate us massive cashflow and open the door to our freedom!

However, an affiliate marketer needs to exercise caution in one particular area, namely; choosing the right niche! Yes the market is stronger than ever, but where exactly can we find the growth? Well it’s not in selling ebooks on ‘How to Build a V8 Engine,’ that’s for sure. Market niches (and sub-niches) are perpetually evolving and with that comes the inevitability of growth and decay.

The Health and Wellness niche is the ultimate example of continued market growth that’s stable and widely consumer driven by all ages. “But can I really make money selling stuff in the health and wellness niche?” The answer is a resounding, YES! And here’s why …

As you probably know, a natural and holistic approach along with their homeopathic remedies for various diseases are gaining ground fast amongst society, and for good reason. We are living in a time where we’re exposed to more human made chemicals and toxins than any other time in human history. People are beginning to understand that waging chemical warfare inside their bodies in the hope of curing whatever ails them is not the best solution. This mindset was previously seen as an alternative approach. Now, it’s HUGE, and is increasingly popular.

From Prime talk back shows, to radio interviews, to thousands of magazines, news articles and even in the movies. The Health and Wellness niche is growing and will continue to grow for decades to come. This is a primary base niche for thousands of “Seriously Successful Marketers.”

Another reason to get behind the health niche is not only the solid income that flows from it, but also the reputation and rewards that come from genuinely helping people. Imagine a herpes sufferer at the end of their line; having been told by doctors that they’re doomed to a lifetime of expensive antiviral medications with nasty side effects.

Or a woman being constantly told that her chances of pregnancy and being a mother is near hopeless unless she loads up on pharmaceuticals to merely increase her odds. These examples are common and we have all heard of them. Yes there are real practical solutions “that work” and society is asking!

Yes, some people would quickly dismiss naturopathy and homeopathy without giving them a proper chance. It’s the old mindset of “If you’re sick, see the doctor” and take what you are told to take. Recurring illness is imperative for the medical industry, hence the need to serve temporary solutions. BUT, this market is changing!

Currently, there are a multitude of quality natural remedy products delivering on healing, relief and pregnancy. There are fortunes to be made for both vendors and affiliates alike by selling these niche products, and helping people in the process. Can’t get any better than that.

Anyway, the bottom line is that the old saying of ‘Health is Wealth’ has never been more true! It’s time to bridge the gap between conventional treatments, natural remedies, and all things in between, and make some healthy profits while we’re at it. Expand your portfolio with various areas within the Health and Wellness Niche and you will never look back!

Posted on May 20, 2014, in health and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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